Ways to Serve

Serve with pride and purpose.

The Army consists of the active duty, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard components. It's the country's largest military branch, driven by a mission to serve and protect the American people.

Two Soldiers in combat uniform smile for a photo

Full time.

Part time.

Any time.

Serve how you want.

Each path offers a different type of commitment level, but all are critical to the U.S. Army’s success.

Make a full-time difference.

Active-duty Soldiers specialize in a specific field of service while living on or near a base full time. This option is for you if:

  • You’re passionate about serving the United States
  • You want a full-time career in the Army
  • You want daily training to develop a specialized skill set

Train part time and stay ready.

U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers train part time while continuing a career or education. This option is for you if:

  • You want to earn great benefits while serving part time
  • You want to pursue a career or education while you serve
  • You want flexibility for your individual goals

Serve part time within your community.

Army National Guard Soldiers serve locally part time and stand by for community emergencies. This option is for you if:

  • You want to make an impact in your local community
  • You want to serve part time while living close to home
  • You want to pursue a full-time education or civilian career while serving

How the Army is structured

Active 48%
Reserve 18%
Guard 34%
Source: FY22 Army Profile


Becoming a Soldier doesn’t mean giving up the things you love. You’ll have the opportunity to excel in your career, plus the ability to pursue your personal interests and goals.

Common questions about ways to serve.

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Do I get benefits with each type of service?

Yes. Active duty, U.S. Army Reserve, and U.S. Army National Guard Soldiers are all eligible for high-quality benefits, but with slight coverage and cost differences depending on full-time or part-time status. You’ll receive excellent health care, post-service benefits, and powerful educational benefits, including the GI Bill which can cover up to 100% of your college tuition.

What kind of training is required?

Preparedness is a top priority, which is why all Soldiers go through a form of Basic Training. Enlisted Soldiers complete an initial 10-week Basic Combat Training course, as well as their individual job training. Army Officers complete a three-phase training program called the Basic Officer Leadership Course. While active-duty Soldiers and Officers have ongoing training to keep their skills sharp, Army Reserve and Army National Guard Soldiers attend one two-week training a year.

What is the time commitment?

New enlistments sign up for a Military Service Obligation (MSO). Contracts may vary from two to six years of service in active duty, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. Following this service, you’ll finish out your service commitment in the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)—a time when you’re not required to train or fulfill any duties, but you’re on call to return in case of an extreme, but rare event.

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Choose the Army career path you’re most interested in.

Answer True or False to the following statements based on your current situation (optional).

I’m a U.S. citizen or permanent and legal resident (I-551 card).

I am in high school, have a high school diploma, or am enrolled in college.

I have a GED.

I don’t have any tattoos.

I have some tattoos, with no (or subtle) placement on my hands, neck, or face.

I don’t have any medical concerns.

I have a minor medical condition or history.

I don’t have any law violations.

I have minor law violations, like speeding tickets.

I’m ready to talk to a recruiter to learn more.

I’m interested in the Army, but not quite ready to talk to a recruiter.

Your Preferred Army Career Path

Please select the responses that best describe you.

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Citizenship Status

Education Level


Legal Record

Medical Conditions

Level of Interest.

Your Preferred Army Career Path

Please select the responses that best describe you.

This section is optional.

Citizenship Status

The Army wants people from different backgrounds and experiences. You’ll need to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a valid Green Card.

Education Level

To join the Army, you’ll need a high school diploma or GED. Talk to your recruiter about your options if you don’t meet this requirement.


You can still join the Army if you have tattoos. You may need a waiver if you have any above your neckline or past your wrists.

Legal Record

Convictions or felonies may prevent you from joining the Army, but legal waivers are available in some cases.

Medical Conditions

The Army can accommodate many medical conditions. A recruiter will help you navigate the process and any needed waivers.

Level of Interest

Whether you’re ready to join or just curious, a recruiter can help you decide if the Army is right for you.

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This helps us connect you to the right person. If you’re not sure yet, just select undecided.
    School selection is required.

    Privacy Act Notice: The above disclosure is voluntary. All information will be used strictly for recruiting purposes. The authority for the collection of this information is Title 10, United States Code, Sections 503, 505, 508, and 12102, and EO 9397. For more information, please review our Privacy & Security Notice.

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